Tanning Products
Soaking and Degreasing Agents
DE-SOL-A: solvent base detergent
ELBRO 100-C: (see “enzymes“)
LP-12-G/LP-12-B: nonionic degreasing agent (see “reinforcing auxiliaries“)
ECO SOLVO B: nonionic solvent-soluble emulsifier/detergent.
ECO WETTER HAC / WETTER GLE: nonionic soaking agents, bactericides and fungicides.
LOWENOL CONDITIONER A-S: can be used in multiple parts of tanning process to prevent damage.
LOWENOL DETERGEX A: a non-ionic solvent soluble emulsifier and detergent.
DRUMMING SOLVENT ECO 15: Biodegradable / environmentally friendly degreasing agent. For drumming and wet uses.
LOWATAN ZN: retanning agent, non-staining.
ELBRO 100-C: safe & fast soaking agent
SUPER LOTAN A: acid enzyme (liquid)
SUPER LOTAN A-MT: acid enzyme (liquid)
SUPER LOTAN F(A)I: acid enzyme (liquid)
ELBRO SR: acid enzyme (powder)
Oils & Greases
MINK GREASE TP-D: kicking grease for all fur skins
MINK GREASE TP-N: kicking grease for all fur skins
FRIESOL U-88-L: kicking grease for all fur skins
TANNING OIL G: modified anionic fatliquor
MINK OIL WL: (see “reinforcing products-leather bleaches“)
MINK STUFFING GREASE: kicking grease for all fur skins
NU-OIL: modified nonionic hand/brush applied oil (lanolin based)
LOWENOL: modified anionic fatliquor
LOWENOL LFS: modified anionic fatliquor
LOWENOL LFH: modified anionic fatliquor
LOWENOL LFB-N: modified anionic fatliquor
LOWENOL LFW: modified anionic fatliquor
WHITE OIL TT: nonionic oil for bleaching & white tans
SUEDOL SP: (see “auxiliaries for leather dyeing“)
Tanning / Retanning Auxilliaries
EL-CRO-TAN: liquid chrome complex leather softener
MOUTOTAN: liquid chrome retanning agent; self-basifying
TAN LY: synthetic retanning agent
TANNING ASSIST B: slow acting buffer for aluminum or chrome tans
LOWATAN A-3: aldehyde retanning agent, non-staining
LOWATAN ZN: retanning agent, non-staining
Finishing Chemicals
NEW GLO / GLO-MOR: fur lustering compound for use during finish drumming
LUSTER 50-L CONCENTRATE: fur lustering compound for use during ironing
MF-3: protein fur conditioner and protective agent used during drumming or in bleach or oxidation dye bath
ELBOMOR: leather & thread lubricant for nailing out fur skins